AMHO Membership – Support Us So We Can Support You

AMHO membership is available not just to manufactured home owners living in residential parks throughout Queensland and their home owners committees. Membership is open to any person who wants advice on living in a residential park or who just wishes to support our Association.

Membership fees and donations are the only source of funding that AMHO receives, and the only way for manufactured home owners to be heard is to join together to protect your interests and rights under The Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003.

Do you want

  • a fair and affordable system of site rental?
  • to know exactly what you are paying for and get it?
  • secure tenure?
  • to be treated with dignity by your park operator?
  • rights acknowledged and adhered to?
  • someone to help you obtain the rights you are entitled to?

By becoming a member of AMHO we can answer your questions and provide invaluable information and support. Your support will assist us in continuing our work with Government for changes to the MHRP Act to ensure that the Act does what it is supposed to do – protect homeowners!

Some Great Reasons To Become A Member

Numbers Count

The power in numbers cannot be overemphasized.

There are enough manufactured home owners and supporters.

We can make a difference.

One Voice

AMHO speaks with one voice.

Why feel powerless and alone, together is better!

We take your message to our representatives and government legislators.


Network with home owners in villages across Queensland.

This is a terrific way to gain insight – for every issue, there are many others who have had similar experiences.


AMHO has access to a growing pool of experts and professionals that can assist with any issues our members may face in relation to manufactured home villages and the Act.


AMHO communicates with you.

We publish newsletters, general information, and regular updates.  You will know what’s going on all the time.

Honesty And Trust

We are all volunteers passionate about bringing changes to the Act to improve the chosen lifestyle of the tens of thousands of manufactured home owners across Queensland.